Deuter Tibet Nada Himalaya 2 >
Deuter Tibet Nada Himalaya 2
While the CD works great for meditation, it is even more powerful to use with shavasana (relaxation pose) and healing work. Suggested Retail Price: $16.98 Download from iTunes Buy on Amazon Buy from Sounds True Download from Google Play Category: New Earth Records Tags: Deuter, Tibet, Tibet: Nada Himalaya 2 Description Reviews (2) Product Description The sublime harmonic vibrations of the Tibetan bowls and Deuters ability to access the purity of their sustained ringing tones resonates deep within consciousness, transporting the listener to a world of serenity and peace.In Tibet: Nada Himalaya 2, Deuter invites you to take a journey to the depths of your inner being with this totally refreshing CD, where harmonic tones reach into an infinite universe allowing the body to come into a natural state of equanimity. Description . In response to listeners I created pieces suited for shorter meditations. All rights reserved. A primary focus in my music-making has always been to create music which helps one to cross the threshold into the inner silence or to express it more colorfully: to touch the Divine, the Source that is in all of us.
Patients reported that listening to these sounds during massage let them move into other, higher spheres. Discover and share new music, movies, TV, books, and more. Within minutes, the intelligence that infuses these sonic meditations will begin to affect you. When the listeners allow themselves to let go, they are carried gently along in a dreamlike state as tension, pain and old emotions are eased and gently float away to be replaced by a calming and blissful state of being at one with the energy fields that surround them. And there the realization of wonder and mystery of our being. Reviews 0 out of 5 Sounds from the Ground Up – January 20, 2015: An exceptional effort dedicated to the ancient Tibetan tradition of singing bowls and bells, Deuters Tibet: Nada Himalaya 2 is a 78.5-minute meditational wonder. The highly resonate and harmonic Tibetan singing bowls are masterfully recorded and combined to enhance their natural soothing and stress relieving properties. This music also does not require active listening.
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