Virtual_Dj_Pioneer_2000_Skin >
However, once the skin loaded every time you start Virtual DJ the browser appear correctly.HD : skin contains most of Virtual DJ features, Pioneer equipment functions and in addition some functions of my own.We find among others:- 4 decks- The "On Air" Pioneer function (red light when the fader of the deck is raised and flashes when the title arrives at the end)- Pioneer saving Hot Cues with activating "REC/CALL" button- The alarm indicating that the left and right decks are not synchronized- A jogwheel rotation function (just for fun)- Kill Buttons added on the DJM900- The LEDs indicating the limiters activation (on each deck, the master and the helmet)- 3 different views, with or without waveforms or with the browser on the whole page.EtcThe zip file contains this .jpg explaining the intricacies of the skin :HD : soon :I will create other versions of the skin including different resolutions.Independent sampler will be added to the right of the deck. The new version has not been online, I do not know why. Posted Fri 29 Mar 13 9:43 am Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009 I moved the unlock button because it causes problems for some resolutions :you must now right-click on the D of "LOCKED" Posted Fri 29 Mar 13 8:07 pm Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009 New version online - Now the red ring in the center of the jog will light only on slipmode (exact like the CDJ2000 Nexus)- Add of witnesses smartplay and smartloop the DJM screen (respectively "AUTO" and "GRID"; real functions of the DJM)- Add of the two values of the effect sliders in the DJM screen- The PAD below the screen is now active and DJM allows varying effects.In progress : I continue to work on the identification of skin buttons at mouseover (almost finished) Posted Tue 02 Apr 13 5:35 pm Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009 I just finished identifying all the buttons when the mouse hovers over it.I also updated the help page of the skin.Remains the problem of the "On Air" function with a midi controler, but then I do not know how to fix it .Here is the list of unnecessary buttons and knobs of the skin :On the DJM900 :- Button SOUND COLOR FX- Button AUTO / TAP (next to the REC button)- Button QUATIZE (next to the REC button)- Buttons BEAT right and left (below the PAD)- Knob BOOTH MONITOR- Knobs MIC EQ- Knob MIC2On the CDJ2000 :- The jog right screens CDJ- Buttons USB / STOP at the top left- Knobs JOG ADJUSTI have no idea for this buttons, I think I made the round functions VDJ.if you have ideas ! Posted Wed 03 Apr 13 12:02 pm Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009 More pics on my blog : (english version coming soon) Posted Wed 03 Apr 13 8:24 pm Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009 The realization of the Pad and the Sampler is complete (for full HD users only). > THE COMPLETE DJ SOLUTION FOR VIDEO & AUDIO MIXING . (Indeed for some users, the fact that 1&2 are left and 3&4 are right causes problems with some controllers)And later (in a few weeks) an HD version with some pads and independent sampler.
VirtualDJ forums VirtualDJ Skins Skin Pioneer. Page : 1234 [>] [>>] Topic: Skin Pioneer CDJ2000 NEXUS + DJM900 NEXUS - Page: 1 Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009 Hello,Here my new skin with the famous Pioneer CDJ2000 Nexus and the mixer Pioneer DJM900 Nexus design.Currently in 1540x1080 resolution but other versions will coming soon.Here the link to download it : VERY IMPORTANT : 1- You must install the "digital-7.ttf" font so that the skin is perfectly displayed.The the "digital-7.ttf" font is joint in the zip file. En revanche, une fois la skin charge, chaque lancement de Virtual DJ le browser apparatra correctement.La skin reprend la plupart des fonctions de Virtual DJ ainsi que les fonctions des appareils Pioneer et en supplment quelques fonctions de mon cru.On trouvera entre autre :- 4 platines- La fonction "On Air" de Pioneer (le plateau devient rouge lorsque le fader de la platine est lev et clignote si le titre arrive la fin)- L'enregistrement des Hot Cues la faon Pioneer en activant le "REC/CALL"- L'alarme indiquant que les platines droite et gauche ne sont pas synchronises- Des boutons Kill rajouts sur la DJM900- Des voyants indiquant l'activation des limiteurs (Sur chaque platine, sur le master et sur le casque)- 3 vues diffrente, avec ou sans spectres et un vue avec la liste des titres sur toute la page.Des questions, suggestions : : . If you have questions, suggestions, if you find a bug, do not hesitate to post here ! Posted Wed 20 Mar 13 9:19 am Dodge57PRO InfinityMember since 2009 Some modifications are on lineNew waves in Page 1 :an a Help page :Coming soon :- another waves (choice of 5 waves)- The new virtual DJ 7.4 slipmode (existing on the CDJ2000 but I replaced it by a jog rotation. Sign In Create an account Forgot your password? Quick Sign in Quick Sign in Forum: VirtualDJ Skins Use this forum if you have questions about skin development, or if you want to communicate with skin developers. Simply click on the list to be displayed.This is a known bug in Virtual DJ and I currently looking for a way to fix it. Just double click on.(after installation, open the zip file in the folder "My Documents -> Virtual DJ -> Skins")Or free download here : so that the synchronization alarm work, you must install the PhantomDeejay Watchdog plugin (download here : ) and activate it in the effect menu effect -> Other.3- At the first loading of the the skin, the Browser (songs list) may not appear.
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